SOSMethod Blog

3 Powerful Steps to Transform Your Mindset – and Your Life
Have you ever stopped to consider that you deserve the best life possible? Sometimes, it's easy to forget that you are worthy of happiness, success, and fulfillment. And it's never too late to start believing it! Today, let's talk about three powerful steps to transform your mindset and, ultimately, your life. Step One: Acknowledge Your Trauma The first...
Unlocking Workplace Wellness: A Guide to Boosting Productivity and Happiness at Work
In today's competitive work landscape, prioritizing workplace wellness has become crucial for organizations aiming to enhance productivity and employee satisfaction. From industry giants like Google and Apple to smaller enterprises, companies are increasingly recognizing the significance of fostering a positive work environment. Unhappiness among employees...
How cultural expectations and what your parents taught you a partner “should” be is hurting your relationship
The way your culture, your parents, and other influences in your life set expectations for how a romantic partner “should’ be, is actually hurting your relationship rather than helping it. At the end of the day, nobody knows what is best for you better than you do. Yet most of us enter adulthood with a plethora of instilled subconscious beliefs around what...
Break Up With Narcissists For Good
Do you find yourself perpetually dating narcissists? We often feel drawn to those we can relate to on some level, but it can be extremely taxing to continuously call narcissists into our intimate world. It often goes something like this… You fall for their charm. At first, it seems like everything you could’ve asked for in a partner. But as time passes,...
Break Up With Narcissists For Good

Break Up With Narcissists For Good

Do you find yourself perpetually dating narcissists? We often feel drawn to those we can relate to on some level, but it can be extremely taxing to continuously call narcissists into our intimate world. It often goes something like this… You fall for their charm. At...

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The Brain Science Behind Meditation

The Brain Science Behind Meditation

Meditation is a great way to calm your thoughts and center yourself, but did you know how much science there is to back up its benefits? Some people picture meditation as sitting on a pillow in silence and clearing your mind - while this can be true, there’s so many...

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Become Anxiety-Proof During Back-To-School

Become Anxiety-Proof During Back-To-School

If the thought of going back to school fills you with anxiety, you’re not alone. This time of year can be extremely stressful. From the fear of the unknown to creating a new routine and being in new social situations, both for students and parents. Let's look at the...

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How to Help Your Dog De-Stress

How to Help Your Dog De-Stress

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re a totally devoted doggie mom or dad. Fur kids are amazing, aren’t they? They give you unconditional love, oodles of cuddles, and so many belly laughs. Their very presence makes life as a human being so much more enjoyable....

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How to Maximize Wellness at Work

How to Maximize Wellness at Work

The hottest buzzword in the modern-day work world also starts with a W: Wellness. From bad bosses to toxic co-workers to unsustainable hours to Zoom stressors  —  we’ve all had an unpleasant employment experience in one form or another. Everyone can relate to not...

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