SOSMethod Blog

Tips for Parents: Maintaining Your Sanity During This Difficult Time

Nov 30, 2021 | Mental Wellness, pandemic


It can feel selfish when the kids are wanting attention, but to support them you need to recharge too. This can be doing something as simple as a 5 minute SOS Immersive Meditation. SOS Method helps you connect to your superpowers, your Mind + Body Intelligence, to get inspired and create new solutions.

If finding this alone time is difficult, invite your kids! Establishing a “Recharge Time” is important for your state of mind and your kids’, as well.


Give yourself permission to not get it right all of the time. Explain to your kids that you can get frustrated, overwhelmed and sad, too, and that it’s OK and temporary. Make sure you show them how to release the tension by breathing in, powering up with a meditation and taking a break.


When unfocused, angry, or overwhelmed by frantic energy, the Stop, Drop & Roll tool is fantastic for both you and kids to release stress and get refocused .

DANCE: Play fun music and just dance.

SING: Sing at the top of your lungs until you feel like laughing.

WATER: Get in a tub, shower or pool. This helps to deactivate that excessive negative energy that makes you feel anxious or depressed.

WALK or RUN: Your body needs to move to reset. Breathe in the fresh air.

LISTEN: Listen to an SOS meditation to get your creativity flowing again.


SOS Method is a Next Gen meditation and mind development app, using technology that ignites Mind + Body intelligence, your superpowers, often suppressed by modern day stress and genetic ancestral trauma. SOS Method includes Daily Tools, Discovery Programs and Immersive Meditations – that work, even if your mind isn’t still.

SOS Method’s Tips for Parents aren’t just practical, but add the element of holistic healing and empowerment for long-term mental health benefits and wellbeing.



Marlise Karlin is a renowned mental health pioneer and founder of SOS Method. After four decades of studying with master teachers from India, Japan, Western scientists and field research with diverse populations, Marlise’s training demonstrated groundbreaking results for people with high stress and trauma. Through SOS Method’s technology, Marlise has impacted thousands of peoples’ lives in minutes – giving them the ability to access an inspired mind to not just survive, but thrive.

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