Unlock Your Genetic Promise
To understand how SOS Method helps you – start by learning about how stress & Generational Trauma controls your life.
What Is Generational Trauma?
Picture this – everything in your life is perfect.
But no matter how great things are, you still feel a dark cloud above you. It could be a feeling of anxiety, emptiness, depression, or something similar. Regardless, it’s a feeling you can’t shake.
If you’ve experienced this, then you know first-hand the effects Generational Trauma, or Genetic Pain, can have.
It is the generations of pain and trauma experienced by your ancestors passed down to you through cellular memory. And it plays a major role in anxiety, addictions, self-esteem, and more – that is until you learn how to remove it from your body.
Read more about the science behind SOS Method
3 Essential Elements that Clear Generational Trauma
Our Evidenced-Based Technology clears ‘genetic garbage’ from your cells

SOS Discovery
An exploration of cutting-edge science and holistic wisdom that sparks new understanding and informs the mind what is possible.

Powered by interdisciplinary sciences – subtle energy, language patterns, and intention – prompts cellular and behavioral shifts.

Mind Fitness
Simple effective processes that integrate higher awareness into daily life to create inspired choices, habits and actions.
What Is Your Dormant Potential?
Believe it or not, you have a dormant SUPERpower Potential hidden inside you waiting to be discovered.
But these aren’t superpowers in how you typically think of them. There’s no x-ray vision to be had.
When you were given positive genetic traits such as intelligence, compassion, creativity, etc. You also inherited a dormant SUPERpower Potential. We call this your Genetic Promise.
Recognized by neuroscientists and 2000 year old renowned holistic traditions, this potential helps you attain the absolute best version of you. The one that isn’t held back by stress, self-doubt, or any negative emotions but rather, free of all life’s barriers.
Read more about the science behind SOS Method
About SOS Method
SOS Method’s Programs, Meditations & Tools offer a simple yet revolutionary process that is designed to clear cellular blockages from stress and trauma while activating behavioral transformation.

No Need To Quiet Your Mind

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No Need To Effort At All
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The Mission & The Dream
Provide our evidence-based technology that has empowered countless thousands worldwide to transform the trajectory of their lives.
Our Mission is to Empower 1 Billion People Through Transformative Experiences by 2030
Collaborate with bold, passionate changemakers and innovators to inspire future leaders and communities that shape a more conscious world.