SOS Method®
Learn the science of Generational Trauma, how it’s affecting you right now, and how eliminating it is critical to creating a life you love.
Why It’s Important To Understand Epigenetics
Epigenetics is a field of science that is now becoming mainstream. It’s the study of how our environment and life experiences changes our gene expression.
Why is this important?
It goes against the outdated belief that genes are set in stone at birth. Scientific research has proven that modifications to your DNA get passed down from one generation to the next.
Experiences in your life may negatively impact your children, and their children, and beyond.
Generational Trauma: A 2000-Year-Old Puzzle
The impact of Generational Trauma has been studied by scholars for over 2000 years. But with modern methods and technology, we now have scientific evidence of its existence and impact.
After 2000 years of questions, we now have evidenced-based solutions for eliminating layers of Generational Trauma from our bodies.
Anyone can experience Generational Trauma
But those with ancestors who have lived through wars, oppression, and other hardships, often experience it more than others.
You may not have fought in World War II, but if you have a grandfather or great grandfather who has, there is high chance it quietly affects your wellbeing. And its affects are both physical and mental.
Generational Trauma: A 2000-Year-Old Puzzle
The impact of Generational Trauma has been studied by scholars for over 2000 years. But with modern methods and technology, we now have scientific evidence of its existence and impact.
After 2000 years of questions, we now have evidenced-based solutions for eliminating layers of Generational Trauma from our bodies.
Anyone can experience Generational Trauma.
But those with ancestors who have lived through wars, oppression, and other hardships, often experience it more than others.
You may not have fought in World War II, but if you have a grandfather or great grandfather who has, there is high chance it quietly affects your wellbeing. And its affects are both physical and mental.
Physical & Mental Symptoms:
Anxiety & Depression
Difficulty in Relationships
Overwhelming Stress
Poor Sleep
Chronic Illness
Stories Of Triumph Over Trauma
Bullying Impact on Mental Health
Recovery From Insomnia & Trauma
Release of 30+ Years of PTSD
Breaking Out of Social Pressure
Bullying Impact on Mental Health
Once our Mind/Body ’s natural potential has been activated, Karlin observed that mental patterns — even those from childhood or decades of trauma — could transform. Traditional research has not demonstrated this is possible.
“Early experiences affect the development of brain architecture, which provides the foundation for all future learning, behavior, and health. Just as a weak foundation compromises the quality and strength of a house, adverse experiences early in life can impair brain architecture, with negative effects lasting into adulthood.” ~ Center on Developing Child, Harvard
~ Marlise Karlin
Release of 30+ Years of PTSD
“The toll from PTSD is growing. About 20 veterans a day commit suicide in what the VA is now calling an epidemic. Only 40% find relief from PTSD with current treatments.” ~ CBS News
Our Mind/Body has a natural ability to advance mind awareness and gain greater wellness, but the massive stress and trauma in the world today and negative genetic predispositions have overwhelmed our system.
Discoveries of how SOS Method can develop a shift in human behavior, even after decades of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), continue to advance the mental health and wellness dialogue.
“I discovered that people are more powerful than they ever imagined. We can live our lives with purpose, and make this world explode with innovative thinking, creativity, and wellbeing.”
~ Marlise Karlin
Recovery From Insomnia & Trauma
“Zola’s ability to break a 15+ year pattern of insomnia and feel hope again deeply inspired me.” ~ Marlise Karlin
“I want people to understand just how powerful they are. Regardless of how challenged they’ve been, they can live an inspired and exceptional life.”
~ Marlise Karlin
Breaking Out of Social Pressure
Karlin’s fusion of Eastern meditation and holistic traditions with the latest scientific discoveries demonstrated remarkable impact. The results showed increased peace of mind, hope, and positive behavior with people of all ages.
Overcoming Depression & Anxiety
While negative generational predispositions and modern stress and trauma have overwhelmed our system, our Genetic Promise©, a SUPERpower of mind/body potential, has a natural ability clear Genetic Pain so we can gain peace of mind, hope, and empowerment.
“In a recent study, 25% of the genocide survivors and 22% of the former prisoners were diagnosed with PTSD. Of genocide survivors, the mothers’ groups and their children continue to present with considerable rates of PTSD and substantial depressive and anxiety symptoms.” BMC Psychology, 2019 (Note: The offspring were not born at the time of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.)
Discoveries of how SOS Method can develop a shift in human behavior, even after decades of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), continue to advance the mental health and wellness dialogue.
SOS Method Was Developed Thanks To The Work Of Leading Neuroscientists & Holistic Masters
As a Mental Health Activist, Trauma Expert, Author & Pioneering Researcher, Marlise Karlin wanted to revolutionize mental health and wellbeing.
Her goal? To discover new ways to clear the recent and generational trauma, the mental and emotional barriers that caused so many hardships in her life – and in the lives of people everywhere.
This passion took her around the world. For 25 years, she studied with Western neuroscientists, holistic experts from Japan, and meditation masters in India.
The result of her research is SOS Method.
This fusion of frontier science and holistic traditions verified breakthrough results in 2 decades of research. By clearing layers of trauma and stress, people became happier, healthier, and more empowered.
Every person is born with Genetic Pain & Promise. Clearing this generational trauma by unlocking a dormant Potential causes dramatic transformation in a person’s life.
~ Marlise Karlin
We are on the edge of a revolutionary frontier where interdisciplinary sciences and technology converge to provide solutions to some of the world’s most significant challenges.
Integrating Benefits of Preeminent Holistic Traditions with Leading-Edge Science
Indian traditional medicine uses Marma points to signal the body to produce hormones, creating an alchemical change to heal body/mind.
Jin Shin Jyutsu
Japan’s holistic discipline releases stagnant blockage from symptoms of chronic stress and trauma to restore energy to our cells.
Chinese traditional medicine uses meridians to regulate flow of energy (Qi) to restore physical, emotional, and mental health.
The ability of the brain to rewire neural pathways in response to stimuli which changes unconscious behavior.
Ancestors’ traumatic experiences create predispositions to various chronic conditions on a cellular level.
Broadcasting invisible energy intelligence, this dynamic field supports latent potential activation, transformation on all levels.