Feb 20, 2024 | Generational trauma, Mind Body Potential
The way your culture, your parents, and other influences in your life set expectations for how a romantic partner “should’ be, is actually hurting your relationship rather than helping it. At the end of the day, nobody knows what is best for you better than you do.... Jul 11, 2023 | Generational trauma, Mental Wellness
Social anxiety isn’t commonly discussed, but that doesn’t mean it’s not prevalent. In fact, it’s estimated around 15 million Americans have social anxiety disorder in adulthood. If you experience social anxiety, you probably understand just how impactful it can be. It... Jun 6, 2023 | Mental Wellness
Trauma can change not only our outlook on life, but also our biology and psychology. Recognizing the impact of trauma is essential. Learning more about it and how to resolve it can be incredibly beneficial to the rest of your life. For people with post-traumatic... Feb 9, 2023 | Generational trauma, Mental Wellness
Many of us only consider the ways we speak with our [external] relationships, whether that be with our romantic partner, children, or coworkers. Language is a powerful tool for building connections and establishing positive outcomes. While language used within those... Nov 7, 2022 | Generational trauma
The stress of poverty alters genes and can pass them on to offspring. This might sound unbelievable, but the latest findings demonstrate that poverty and other lifestyles? can imprint your genes. And that may affect your ability to make good financial decisions. Did...